What is C++ | How to Learn C++ Programming

What is C++ | How to Learn C++ Programming

What is C++ & How to Learn C++ Programming

C++ is such a programming language whose name is included in the world's most popular programming languages, because it has incredible potential. It can also be used to build operating systems and also in making video games and 3D movies. So if your intention is to become an embedded system engineer or something like a game developer, then this language can help you a lot. Now it is possible that you do not know anything about this programming language or you know a lot. But even after reading this article, you will get to know a lot about C++, which will definitely enhance your knowledge. Along with this, it will also suggest you how suitable this language is for your career.
  • Is this programming language hard?
  • How long can it take to learn it?
  • What are the benefits of learning it?
  • And what are the best tips to learn this programming language quickly?
  • You will get a lot of such important information.

First of all know is it C++?

C++ is a general purpose programming language which is an extended version of c language. It supports object oriented programming. It was developed for a unique operating system and the purpose of designing it was to make programming easier and today these programming languages ​​are used to write programs that are compatible with Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems. It is a mid level language in which we can also do systems programming like Colonel and networking and also build large scale use applications like media players and Photoshop.
The execution speed of C++ programs is very fast and rich library support is also available in it. This language is used in games development systems engineering, web browser development, embedded systems etc. It is one of the most difficult languages ​​and by saying this we are not discouraging you to learn this language at all but preparing you so that you can easily handle its difficulty levels and the reason for this language being difficult It is that C ++ uses a range of paradigms and to be able to use this language efficiently, you must first be familiar with different programming concepts and if you already know this C language then it is comparatively easy for you to learn this language.  Although there cannot be a universal answer whether C++ will remain hard for you or not? Because it will also depend on your purpose and background.

Now the question comes whether you should learn this language or not?

In comparison to languages ​​like Java and Python, C ++ is considered tough. The syntax of this language is more complex, so learning this language as a beginner in the programming field can be challenging, so if you want, you can learn an easy language first and if you have any programming experience, then in two to three months Master can be made in C++ syntax, but if you are a beginner then it may take you a year. In which if you devote 10 hours a week to c++ learning, then in a few months a good hold can be made on the fundamentals of this language and if it is studied full time, then the basics can also be cleared very soon, the rest of your learning You can take the right decision according to your capacity, but when you learn C++, you will get many benefits, like the syntax of C++, you will also find it in many other programming languages ​​like go. C ++ because it is used in software and hardware development, so after knowing how to code in C ++, you will get a good knowledge of how both software and hardware work together, which will be an important knowledge of the field of technology and if you are interested in technology If you are interested in making a career in C++, then after learning c++, you can easily get a job as a developer in a good company, because the application of this programming language is so many that it goes from game development to software engineering, because the use of this language It happens in linux based operating systems like Ubuntu as well as in browsers like Chrome and firefox. It is also used in graphics and game engines like Photoshop, blender and unreal engines and it is also used in database engines and cloud and distributors like my sql, mongo DB, redis.

Best ways to learn programming language quickly.

1. Prepare tools like text editor and compiler To start C++ learning, you will need a text editor which is a tool in which you will write programs through code. You will get many options of text editor like notepad ++, visual studio code and sublime text. Apart from this, you will also need a compiler on your computer which will read your source code and convert it into a format understandable by the computer. Some such compilers are GCC, Visual Studio, C++ and Clang.

2. Build command on basics. Now, while starting C++ learning, do not do this mistake at all, which most of the new developers do, that is, instead of focusing on the basic programming concept, focusing on completing the learning quickly, nothing will come of it, because without the basics, you will go far. Will not be able to go. So even if the beginning is slow, it's ok. You go on understanding every concept and then move forward. In this journey, you will have to understand C++ syntax and variables, syntax are such rules and procedures that interpret the code using a language. After this you will learn variables and there are such features of variable programming that allow data to be stored. After this, you will have to keep learning continuous while keeping a clear understanding of flow control loops functions, objects and classes and vectors. Some of the main topics that you will have to cover in this process are -
  • How to create a C++ program?
  • How to declare a variable?
  • How to accept user input into a variable?
  • Built in vs. user define functions
  • How to declare a function?
  • How to create a class?
  • How to create an object?
  • Adding and removing vector elements 
  • How to change values in a vector?
  • etc.
3. Use the best online resources. Now the good news for you here is that there is no dearth of online resources to learn this programming. That's why you can do c++ learning very comfortably while staying in your comfort zone. But you should choose the best resources only so that your learning is easy and effective. Do a little research for this, after that select the best option and move forward. If you tell the names of some such online courses, then these include.
  • Codecademy learn c++
  • Microsoft via EDX introduction to c++
  • Google Google for education: c++
  • Udemy  C++ tutorial for complete beginners
Apart from these, you will get many great options. Like courses, if online books are also chosen correctly, then this journey can be very easy. That's why some such good books through which you can easily understand C ++ language. Their names also suggest you-
  • Bjarne Stroustrup The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition)
  • Stanley B Lippman, Joseelajoie, and Barbara E Moo C++ primer (5th Edition)
  • Stephen Prata C++ Primer Plus (6th Edition)
  • Scott Meyers Effective  C++ Effective Modern C++
4. Create Projects. One should start making the project and in the beginning choose such a problem which is common. So that you can also solve it by taking the help of tutorials. Because it is your initial phase in which you will face the challenges and problems coming during the making of the project for the first time. At this time, if you will plan a project based on a tough problem and you have more difficulty in solving it, then discouragement can also happen and this has to be stopped because whatever the learning may be, it is very important to remain encouraged in it. So start with simple projects and gradually move towards bigger projects.

5. Join c++ online community If you want to learn coding quickly, then instead of coding alone, work by joining the community. You will find both beginners and experts on developer forums. That's why it will be very easy for you to take help from them and your concepts which will become clear, you can become a master in those concepts by explaining them to other beginners. Some such communities that you can join and learn C++ quickly are-
  • DEV
  • GitHub 
  • stack overflow.
6. Do practice. By following all these tips and steps, you have to keep practicing the most important thing. Because only then your skills will improve and often this language seems very tough, there is a reason for not practicing it. That's why instead of quitting, do daily practice so that you can become a better programmer and in this way by crossing all these phases of c++ learning, you can reach such a position where you can master the basics of C++ in less time. And even if you want to continue your learning, you have a strong network and solid career opportunities, so get into the field of C++ with your heart and instead of considering it as a war, enjoy it to the fullest and this will be possible only when you relax your mind. Will start with so all the best.