How To Become A Better Public Speaker

How To Become A Better Public Speaker

How To Become A Better Public Speaker

In today's time, it has become necessary to have strong spoken communication skills for a successful career or business and in many jobs, public speaking is also noticed so that it can be known that you can give a confident presentation in front of your team. are or not. And can we stand in front of people in a conference and present the plans of the company or not? So there is a demand for strong public speaking skills in which you know how to project your ideas clearly and show such an image in front of the audience that can inspire them.

There are also many employees who are very confident and it is very easy for them to do public speaking. But such employees or candidates are also infect students, who feel nervous if they have to stand in front of the podium and present something to the audience sitting in front of them. They feel anxiety and they start sweating, so they want to skip every such opportunity in which they have to say something in front of people . In such a situation, even very good opportunities start getting skipped and the confidence level goes down.

How to deal with this problem?

Because public speaking has become very important today. If you prepare properly, you can also give a good performance and you can also build your confidence and for this, instead of considering public speaking as a problem, you have to understand opportunities and then to improve public speaking skills, some You have to follow the tips that you will find in today's article, so whether you are an introvert or an extrovert.

Do you face more of these issues or have they not yet arrived? You must thoroughly study this post and get ready for public speaking. If you have nervousness, realize that you have a lot on your plate and shouldn't have time for it. Additionally, I once heard that tension and worry only happen when we are free, that is, when we are not working. However, you have a ton of work to accomplish. You want to enhance your public speaking abilities, after all. Therefore, take a deep breath, unwind, and continue reading the article to learn about these useful techniques that can enhance your public speaking abilities.

Tip 1: Focus on the clarity of your voice.

For confident public speaking, you have to improve the quality of your voice, for which you can practice dry phonetic breathing ie belly breathing. This will also reduce your anxiety level and you will have better control over your voice tone pitch and volume. Means your voice will sound clear, impressive and powerful and with this you can do some other work as well like listen to those people whom you like to listen to whom you have decided that yes I also have to do public speaking. So start listening to them. Start observing.

In which tone does he speak?, where do he take pauses?, where do he take stress?, how do he pronounce which words, then this will make a lot of your work easier. Diction will also work, emotions will also work. What is Overall modulation, all those things will work. So keep your ears on alert mode. Whenever listening, listen carefully as you listen to the songs. And after listening the next thing is to speak. So you can start speaking on different topics in front of the mirror, even you can give a presentation to your friend. You can record video in mobile and send it to your friends and take feedback from them. So there is a lot of work to be done, it is up to you to do it. So listening and taking action are the two things you have to do for voice clarity.

Tip 2: Work on body language.

Feeling and looking confident for public speaking are both connected to body language, so keep these small things in mind so that you can perform very well. Instead of standing with shoulders down, stand straight. Keep your waist straight and practice such a pose in front of your neck so that your natural pose is visible during the speech and you also feel comfortable and confident in it. Keep your facial expression relaxing too. Instead of a face full of tension, keep a smile on your face. In such a beginning you will feel a bit strange that what drama are you doing? What drama are you doing? But gradually you will become comfortable in it, for the first time whenever you do any work, it seems like this, so you have to keep a smile on your face, keep the facial muscles relaxed, by doing this you will look confident, as well as relax Will start to feel. If you want, try it now, by putting salvity on your forehead and making a sad face, you will start feeling upset. Exactly and now by normalizing your forehead and relaxing your eyebrows bring a smile on your face, then you will feel relaxed. So such is the magic of body language, that's why take it seriously and enjoy its benefits. Along with facial expressions, give the right moment to your hands and legs as well. Stand straight by making a little gap between the feet and use your hands properly to convey the message to your words. Make sure that you don't do too much hand expression and don't do too little, just as much as needed and for this again this tip will work that whenever someone is speaking like you think he is speaking very well. Its body language is also very amazing, so please observe them, it will help a lot. By the way, there is another way, if you want, you can also practice it. Record your video and send the presentation to your friends, they will give you accurate feedback that where did you make a mistake, where is it going a little over and where is nothing happening. Now if you want, you can apply another tip in which you will have to record your video of a presentation and send it to your friends. He will tell you on seeing you where did you over do it? where you haven't done anything?, where is the flat? He will give all the feedback to you. So this is the matter of body language.

Tip 3: practice (This is a Very Important).

Keep practicing, everything will happen, it is a wonderful line because hearing the name of the stage, the heartbeat increases and hands and feet start trembling, such a feeling that most of the people feel. But you should not keep getting nervous by remembering this feeling again and again, rather you have to make your preparation strong. Have to make good notes, understand the material well and keep practicing it very well and when you feel that you are ready then show your performance in front of a friend so that he can improve it through healthy feedback. can help you.

Tip 4. Organize your material in the right and impressive way.

If you prepare the speech very well then you will not have to face much problem. And your concept will also reach the audience easily, which they will also be able to appreciate. That's why lock the fear of speaking in front of people in a cupboard. And focus completely on your material, for this, prepare a framework of your speech, in which note down points like topic general purpose, specific purpose, main point, central idea. By doing this, you will be able to grab the attention of the audience very quickly, probably in the first 30 seconds itself, which would be a very good thing.

Tip 5: Get to Know Your Audience.

Before preparing your message, find out who your audience is and try to know as much as possible about them so that you can choose the words according to their level and interest. You can set the level of information according to your audience. You can also add humour to the speech. Through a story, their attention can be gained immediately. And can keep them engaged.

Tip 6: Stay Connected To the Audience During the Speech.

Stay connected to the audience during the speech. Your focus will remain on that audience, only then you will be able to see their reactions on your performance and adjust your message accordingly, so it is very important to be flexible during the speech. Make eye contact with your audience and do not read your message. Rather, explain yourself with the help of outline so that a good impression can be made and feedback can also be received. Keep in mind that you neither speak too fast nor too slow. And also use pause between two ideas. Instead of feeling bored, your audience can feel personal touch, so you can also include some interesting incidents in your speech, but those incidents should match your message.

Tip 7: Get Comfortable With That Environment.

Get comfortable with the environment. This means that before your performance, you can also visit the location of the event where you have to perform so that you feel more comfortable and your confidence is also boosted. If you are feeling more nervous then include some of your supportive friends or family members in the audience. So that you can get support and encouragement and yes your outfit can also help in making you comfortable, so choose an outfit that makes you feel comfortable and confident and also looks supportive in conveying your message.

Tip 8. Keep A Positive Mindset (This is a Very Important).

Keep a positive mindset. After making complete preparation, if you want your performance to be good, then your positive mindset can help a lot in this. Which can keep negative thoughts far away from you and can maintain your full focus on good speech and positive response of the audience. That's why keep your mindset positive and start your speech with a smile on your face and friends, keeping these 8 tips in mind, you can improve your public speaking skills and if you practice properly then a Very good public speaker can also become. That's why keep practicing, feel confident, think well and take feedback positively.