The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck : A Counterintuitive Approach To Living A Good Life


The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck : A Counterintuitive Approach To Living A Good Life

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✓About The Author.
Popular Highlights In This Book.
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Book Description»

In this self-help book, the author tackles the societal notion of always staying “positive.” The perfect recipe of being happy and developing lies in the fact of not faking and attempting to be “positive” at all times. Hence this book is all about “not giving a f**k”.

Over the years, there has been a doctrine that claims that positive thinking is central to achieving a happy and fulfilling life. “Positivity is bullshit,” declares Mark Manson. “Let’s keep it real. Everything is fucked up and we will have to deal with it.” In his largely followed, often very interesting, and definitely engaging blog, Manson is very straight forward. He speaks in a straight way, without softening the harsh truths of however rude refreshing truth is, almost missing in today’s world.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k was written in response to the excessively nurturing and “Let’s all be happy” approach that has spread through American culture and developed this generation; that is how children are awarded gold medals for merely participating.
He also states and uses proper research together with poop jokes that the onus of making our lives better does not rest on our ability to make something good out of inconvenient situations but accept the unpleasant situation. Everybody has flaws and restrictions, “There are no talented people. Each society has its winners and losers, and a part of it is neither your fault nor justice.” Manse encourages knowing the limits and living within them. After we accept these limits, fears, imperfections, and ambiguities, after we cease to run and avoid but also do stop objective denial, then perhaps we can finally attain courage, relentlessness, truthfulness, accountability, inquisitiveness, and mercy that we are hungry for.

However, Manson points out that in the scope of limited concerns available, it is of essence to prioritize. Money is okay, but caring about the very essence of one’s life is better, because what true wealth entails is experience, not money.

When considering the title ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***’ it becomes something quite unequivocal. Primarily, Salinger and other great American authors identified this genre as broadening the understanding of an individual with an engaging use of story, rich detail and naked humor. Today’s youth will find it quite an archetypal disappointment.

About The Author»

Mark Manson is the #1 New York Times Bestselling author of makes one’s ears bleed: A Book About Hope and The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: The Most Pragmatic Book for a Fulfilling Life Ever and the unreasonable mega-bestseller that peaked in fourteen countries, pdf files And all of Manson's books have already been translated into about 50 languages and have sold over 12 million copies all over the globe. 

Mark Manson is the founder of one of the largest and most engaged personal development websites in the world,, boasting over two million readers daily and over five hundred thousand followers. ‘Self-help for people who hate self-help’ perfectly describes the brand of writing that Mark pursues, as no-nonsense unapologetic life and social commentary has quite found its audience and geographical spread. His work has been featured in multiple media outlets including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, Forbes, Vice, CNN and Vox among others He currently resides in New York City.

Popular Highlights In This Book»

The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.

True happiness arises only when you find the problems you enjoy having and enjoy solving.

To see your problems in a different light, you must change what you value and/or how you measure failure/success.

The more something threatens your identity, the more you'll avoid it.

Action isn't only a consequence of motivation but also a cause of it.

Overall Book Review»

I saw The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck* by Mark Manson. Another endless positivity-pushing self-help book, right? Well, this is different-and honestly, a breath of fresh air-by Mark Manson. He certainly doesn't dip much sugar over anything but encourages us to embrace our problems, stop trying to be perfect, and focus only on what really matters.
Manson shares many relatable stories within the book, but one thing that really stuck in my head was about the life of Charles Bukowski-a man who seemed like a total failure by most standards. Bukowski was a heavy drinker, gambler, and often broke. But while working his way to fit into society's mold, he never paid attention to most measures of success. And guess what? Actually, that attitude led him to be a very successful writer. This story made me realize how much stronger it can be to stop taking people's opinions and judgments and pay close attention to things that make you happy, flaws and all.

Manson gets personal about his journey too. He writes on how, in his twenties, he was constantly pursuing money, success, and status-all things we're taught leads to happiness. But none of them gave him what he was looking for. It came only when he began to care about some things like writing. He found his satisfaction only then, with things that really mattered to him. This part of the book made me reflect about how I spend my time and energy. I began questioning what I actually care about and what I have been chasing because I just thought I should.

What I Learned: Manson clarifies that life is full of problems. His message thus is, that happiness does not derive from solving all the problems but by choosing which problems to deal with. For instance, instead of the relentless quest for positivity, we should deal and be strong when facing the difficult issues of life. He writes that "the desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience" and that "true happiness occurs only when you find the problems you enjoy having and solving." These insights entirely turned upside down how I view happiness and success.

Why You Should Read It: If you have had enough of those classic self-help books talking down to you about always being positive and perfect, then The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fck* is just the wake-up call you need. It is very replete with raw humor, great stories, and no-nonsense advice on how to live life. Whether you need it to find out what to care for or just as a break from the constant pressure to be happy all the time, this book is for you.
About the Author Mark Manson isn't your average self-help author. He's a #1 New York Times bestselling author who leans on advice that's no-BS. More than 12 million copies of his books-sold and counting-and 50 languages later, you may have seen him in TIME, The New York Times, or Forbes. Millions of readers flock to his blog MarkManson .net every month.

Concluding Remarks: This book, in my opinion, has been a reminder to me that I didn’t even know I asked for. Manson’s philosophy is about putting your energy into things that matter and disregarding the rest. I would say this book is humorous, thought-provoking, and gives one pause on how one ought to lead their life.

Rating According to Me_⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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