For One More Day By Mitch Albom | Mitch Albom Author

For One More Day By Mitch Albom | Mitch Albom Author

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Book Description»

"Every family is a ghost story. . ."
Mitch Albom, who remains a household name to many people around the world for his bestselling books “Tuesdays with Morrie” and “The Five People You Meet in Heaven”, brings us yet another fascinating story about love within families and regrets that haunt.
It is a tenderly crafted narrative that revolves around a mother-son duo across generations spanning beyond death itself. The central question posed in this story is whether one would have any regrets if they had a chance to share their last moments with their late loved ones.
Charley “Chick” Benetto was some kind of ‘mama’s boy’ or else he will not be able to understand what it means to be masculine,” his father had told him before leaving when he was just about hitting puberty – hence choosing his dad over his mom intended at making sure they stay connected forever even though he never got hold of him physically anymore after that fateful day.
Decades pass and find Charley a broken man. His life caves in and out in glass particles, regret and liquor. Lost his job. Lost his family. And it is when he finds out that his only daughter will not let him walk her down the aisle at her wedding that, to some extent, hits rock bottom. He determines to kill himself.
He takes an all-night ride to his small hometown, ready to do himself in. But even that he can't get right, as he staggers back into his old house, having an incredible revelation waiting for him there: his mother--who died eight years earlier--is still living there, and greets him home as if nothing had ever happened.
What happens next is the one "ordinary" day each of us has ever dreamed of-to be able to make things right with a lost parent, to reveal family secrets, and find forgiveness. Somewhere between life and death, Charley learns the amazing things he never knew about his mother or her sacrifices. And he tries, under her gentle tutelage, to put the broken pieces of his life back together.
Through Albom's inspiring characters and masterful storytelling, readers will find a new appreciation for those they love-most of all the ones they may have given up on-and find again in their own lives. For One More Day is that book for any family-and by beloved Albom for his millions of fans everywhere.

About The Author»

A widely-read fiction and non-fiction author, Mitch Albom has sold more than 41 million copies worldwide in over 47 languages. These include Tuesdays with Morrie, described as the best-selling memoir of all time; eight New York Times bestsellers, among them etc., award-winning TV films, screenplays and musical performances among others. He is also a member of both the National Sports Media Association and Michigan Sports halls of fame due to his professional association with the Detroit Free Press, he won the 2010 Red Smith Award for longevity of work. In addition to this, he has founded SAY Detroit which comprises of nine different charitable programs in his hometown; a non-profit dessert shop and a food line whose proceeds go towards assisting the neediest in the city. Since 2010, he has managed Have Faith Haiti orphanage in Port-au-Prince that he visits every month. In Michigan, he shares a home with wife Janine.

Popular Highlights of This Book»

"When you gaze upon your mother, you gaze the most impeccable love that will ever exist in your life." This is a beloved quote from this book that symbolizes mother-child relationship characterized by absolute devotion.
"But for something so important, it can appear in an ordinary minute."
This line represents the heart of the theme: taking a moment to appreciate life's simple, ordinary moments.
"Parents, if they love you, will hold you safely, above their own swirling pain."
This shows how hard parents try in order not to let children go through hardships when they are suffering themselves.
"You must keep people close. You must let them into your heart."
This is the saying for one to open emotionally and let other people in their lives.
"The time spent with someone you love can do something to change everything.". The basic message of the book is that a day spent with a lost love can bring them the greatest emotional catharsis and clarity.

Overall Book Review»

A deceptively beautiful love, regret, and redemption story.
For One More Day by Mitch Albom is the kind of novel that actually makes you feel, makes you think, makes you explore fragile family bonds, heartbreaking regrets, and a second chance. For one more time, Albom gets in touch with your heart, as profound wisdom flows through the pages, another unforgettable story altogether on the experience of being human: love, loss, and healing.
At the center of this novel is Charley "Chick" Benetto, a man whose life has been broken apart by poor choices and the loss of his father that now haunts him. A man who has lost everything that meant anything to him, Charley contemplates ending his life after being informed that his daughter is going to marry someone else and has shut him out of it all. Albom's telling of Charley's pain, in so many ways, depicts a very honest, heartfelt feeling that tends to resonate with those who have struggled through loss and regret.
The most magical development of the story comes when Charley returns to his hometown and surprises an eighty-year-old mother he hadn't seen in eight years. This "one more day" with his mother offers Charley a miraculous chance to find previously secret truths about his family, closure, and a chance to start piecing back his broken life. Albom marries the fantastical with the mundane in writing, making this happen to be both something out of this world yet also profoundly human.
One of the key new themes is the richness of parental relationships. Charley's troubled relations with his father and the choice he made when a child to be a "daddy's boy" rather than a "mama's boy" created space for several unconscious years of guilt and emotional anguish. It's quite insightful and moving the way Albom untangles how Charley's life came to be influenced by that one decision. This is a book that asks the reader to reflect on his or her own family relationships and how, indeed, decisions we make as children will leave lifelong legacies.
This is an Albom novel, characteristic in simplicity and depth, hence readable for any age. Life lessons no longer take the lesson and are instead sewn into the fabric of a powerful, emotionally charged narrative, as evidenced in For One More Day. The reflections on forgiveness, understanding, and sacrifices that parents make for their children all powerfully shine through this novel. One of the quotes that really struck me is the notion that "every family is a ghost story," by which I mean how our past and all those people we have loved and lost will keep shadowing our present.
The beauty of For One More Day lies not only in its storytelling but in the very general questions it raises: What would we do if we had one more day with a loved one who is lost? What truths would we unfold? What unspoken words would we finally, finally be able to utter? It's with elegance that Albom answers these questions, and the book is greater than a story of Charley and his mother; it is a reflection on life, death, and the bonds that connect us all.
I found this book both heart-wrenching and uplifting. It reminds one to love and hold onto the people we love and find reconciliation before it is too late. If you are grieving or seeking forgiveness, For One More Day definitely will leave an impression on you as you reflect on a part of your life's journey.
I highly recommend this novel to anyone who, at any point in time, has lost a person close to them, or someone who needs reminding about the importance of family. This is truly a novel that no one should pass up: with masterful storytelling and poignant insights into life. It is a book that will make you appreciate the gift of one more day with those you hold dear.

Rating According to Me_⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Book Link:

You can explore more about the book and Mitch Albom’s work through the book link on Amazon or read a sample here.


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